
b_digtal GmbH
Sudhoferweg 99-107
59269 Beckum
T: +49 2521 8406-0
F: +49 2521 8406-149

Basic data:
Registered office: Beckum / Founded: 15.05.2018
Trade register: Local Court Münster HRB 17369
VAT ID: DE 320055687
Tax-ID: 304/5980/2537

Managing Directors:
Thomas Hagemann, Jörg Schwengers

Editor and responsible for content:
b_digital GmbH


The company makes every effort to ensure that the information and figures contained on this web site are accurate. It accepts no liability for, nor does it guarantee, however, that the information and figures provided are up to date, correct and complete. This also applies to other web sites referred to by hyperlink. The company is equally not responsible for the content of such linked web pages. The company reserves the right to amend or add to the information and figures provided without prior notification.

The content of the web site is protected by copyright. Any duplication of information or figures, and the use of text, excerpts or photographs/diagrams in particular, requires the prior written approval of the company.

All information and figures, together with their utilisation, logins to the web site and any actions, tolerations or omissions relating to the web site are subject only to German law.


Copyright 2023 b_digital GmbH. All rights reserved. The publication or dissemination of content from the website, including framing and other measures, is not permitted without the explicit written approval of b_digital GmbH.

Photo credits

#127389663 © Coloures-Pic /